Combining layers with transparency

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Combining layers with transparency

Post by Livfoss »

I feel stupid, but I can't understand the GC manual's section on layers sufficiently to solve this problem:

I have two pictures, say one is a photo and the other is a frame. The frame is designed to have a large transparent area in the centre, like a classic picture frame (in reality the transparent area in my frame not just a rectangle, but let's not complicate matters). The objective is to put the photo "into" the frame, by making the frame the top layer, and the photo the bottom layer - after suitable adjustment one can then flatten the resulting image and saver it as a PNG or something similar.

I can't seem to make this happen. My frame and my photo both have the same resolution and are sized correctly, and the frame does indeed have a transparent area for the photo to show through - but I can't place the photo "under" the frame in the way I want. My photo just covers the frame, and my attempts to manipulate layers don't seem to help. This is obviously possible, so I am being dumb. Can anyone explain to me what the steps in this process should be?
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Re: Combining layers with transparency

Post by forum_adm »

Please e-mail image and frame zipped to
I will create a short tutorial movie.
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Re: Combining layers with transparency

Post by Livfoss »

OK, will do it now. Thanks for the reply.
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