GC 10.6.9 hangs for 30s

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GC 10.6.9 hangs for 30s

Post by rbarkman »

Running GC 10.6.9 under MacOS 10.14.3. I'm using GC to adjust the sizes of cover art from iTunes, because iOS doesn't display art that isn't exactly 600x600. This means I'm jumping back & forward between iTunes, GC and sometimes Safari (if I find the iTunes image isn't good enough). The images that come from iTunes are TIFF, the images from Safari are JPG. I have a GC browser window open as well.

After I've made the changes and fixed the image, I 'select all' and copy, switch to iTunes, delete the old cover and paste the replacement in. I then find the next bad image, copy it and switch back to GC to begin fixing it. At that point, GC usually hangs with a spinning wheel for about 30 secs, before allowing me to continue. If I close the GC window after I've fixed and copied the image, GC will then hang in the background - I can carry on and do the iTunes paste, but I can't use GC until it responds again.

This is not 100% consistent. If I create a new image window in GC when bringing the image from iTunes or Safari, I can sometimes (but not always) switch back to GC with the next image without a hang. If I keep that window open, delete the old image and paste the next one in, the likelihood of a hang increases.
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Re: GC 10.6.9 hangs for 30s

Post by forum_adm »

Please trash the prefs with the first aid tool:
https://www.lemkesoft.info/files/graphi ... id_202.dmg

What happens now?

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