[Solved] SVG to large PNG/JPG

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[Solved] SVG to large PNG/JPG

Post by TravelingTartar »

I've created a complex batch to convert SVG to jpg and png of different sizes. The batch works. It renames, creates folders, etc. nicely. My problem is that the quality of the larger jpg and png is lousy - way too pixelated. Wondering if there is a better way?

Let me use as an example the extreme: going to a 3840 px wide image from SVG.
Currently I'm taking SVG exported from Illustrator and then (for clarity, I've left out steps to do with the folder creation, saving etc.):
1. Smart Crop (tolerance 0%)
2. Scale (3840 px width, proportional, best interpolation)
3. Resolution (72pxx72px with convert picture unchecked)
4. Change Format (jpg for one series, png for the other)

To better show the difference, I have attached both.

What am I doing wrong :roll:

I am also trying to figure out how to do this same workflow while keeping transparency... that's for another post.

Thanks everyone.
SVG export from Illustrator then converted to PNG in GC11
SVG export from Illustrator then converted to PNG in GC11
from svg to png - 3840 blue arc via graphicconverter11.png (295.6 KiB) Viewed 1692 times
PNG exported directly from Illustrator
PNG exported directly from Illustrator
direct from Illustrator 3840 blue arc.png (72.97 KiB) Viewed 1692 times
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Re: SVG to large PNG/JPG

Post by TravelingTartar »

Reply to myself.
Found a solution.
First, I started from PDF, not SVG. Easier for transparency, apparently.

Also, very important, I went into preferences and made sure that PDF files would open at least at 3840 pixels (largest size I will later use).
These are now my key steps:

Change format
etc. including name change, folder nav, etc.

My lines are now perfectly smooth, transparency is respected, etc. So note... if you want to go from Illustrator, via Graphic Converter, I recommend using PDF instead of SVG.
Last edited by TravelingTartar on Tue Dec 07, 2021 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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