Pan & zoom on images: Panning smooth, Zooming not (feels like scrollwheel emulation)

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Pan & zoom on images: Panning smooth, Zooming not (feels like scrollwheel emulation)

Post by porg »

✅ Scrolling up/down in Browser and panning vertically/horizontally within an image in its own dedicated window:
Butter smooth, as usual since 2002 Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar and its hardware accelerated Quartz Extreme. And with Rubber Band aka Elastic Scrollling since OS X 10.7 Lion from 2011.

❌ Zooming in/out on an image in its dedicated window via trackpad pinch gesture: Feels very unsmooth (clear intermediary steps) as if scrollwheel emulation takes place or this runs on the CPU only. This experience is very uncommon on most Mac apps since about 20 years. Usually only happens with bad multi-platform ports (which use scrollwheel emulation/translation).

Why is it like this in Graphic Converter 11.6 on macOS 11.6.5 on a MacBook Pro 15'' (Mid 2014, NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M with 2 GB VRAM, 16GB RAM) ?
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