Duplicate Files Help.

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Tom Merrill
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Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:41 am

Duplicate Files Help.

Post by Tom Merrill »

Thought I'd resend my post as I'd used another topic post to write mine and failed to change the "Subject". Sorry for the confusion. I am a light weight compared to most of you guys. I primarily use GC for managing my graphics files, only occasionally delving into manipulating images. So I have two 'wish list' items that are related to using the "find duplicates" function. There often times when I want to visit the folder containing an image identified as having a duplicate before I can make my decision which of the two displayed is to be deleted. To do that, I need to be able to read the full image "Name" which lists the full folder hierarchy for that file. I often run into the situation of that "Name" being so long that it overwrites the list of stats - Pixels, File Size, etc. rendering important information illegible. Is there some way to fix this? An alternate method would be to be able to open the image with GC via say, double clicking on the image in the "Check Duplicate Files" window. With the image open, one can click on it's name in it's frame and get a a display of it's folder hierarchy. -- In Health and Peace, Tom Merrill
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