How do I see all the new posts since my last login ?

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How do I see all the new posts since my last login ?

Post by macvf »

When you select Quick links just below the lemkesoft logo you get a menu list with:
QuickLink.png (49.42 KiB) Viewed 47519 times
  1. Your post : to display a list of all your own posts.
  2. New post : to display a list of all the new posts that have been posted since your last login.
  3. Unread post : to display a list of all the posts that you haven't read until now (including the posts you haven't read during the previous login).
  4. Unanswered posts : to display a list of all the topics on which no answered has been made. Useful to give an answer to a topic if you know the response.
  5. Active topics : to display all the topics on which something is going on.
  6. Search : to display a search window in which you can input keywords and other stuff to search in all the board topic.
  7. Members : to display the list of the registered members.
  8. The team : to display the list of the board administrators and moderators. (If you want to become a moderator, please send a Private message to an administrator using the Private Message tab in your UCP).

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