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Folder actions questions - PAGE 2

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:26 am
by Robert Poland
Hi,New discovery…If I go to a folder and select at Services/Folder Actions Setup… then click on the plus (+) sign GraphicConverter opens???Looks like a GC bug.Hi,I had a script "icon set_Label_Index" which I attached (Folder Action) to folders "Scans ƒ" and "TV" it's purpose was to increment the Label Index based on the number of files in the folder.Since the folders contained, sometimes very large, transient items I choose to not let Time Machine back them up.All of the sudden I get the action "open GraphicConverter…" instead of "icon set_Label_Index".When I go to the folders and look at Services/Folder Actions Setup… all I get is an empty box with no indication of what is/was attached.Looking at Google doesn't seem to address Folder Actions with Lion.Since it looks like I'm going to have to reinvent and reattach the script, is Folder Actions screwed up now in Lion?Or is that just Life?TIA, Robert Poland2.7 GHz Intel Core I5, 27” iMac  12 GB Ram, 1TB HD, OS 10.7.3

Re: Folder actions questions - PAGE 2

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:51 pm
by Robert Poland
Chris, I understand that Apple is playing games with the ID of apps and I'd bet that GraphicConverter in being mis-identified as Folder Actions. I'm sending your reply to Thorsten. Hope he'll get it fixed. Wonder how far back I'll have to backdate GraphicConverter to get it to work, thank God for Time Machine. On Apr 6, 2012, at 9:50 PM, Christopher Stone wrote: > On Apr 06, 2012, at 17:26, Robert Poland wrote: >> If I go to a folder and select at Services/Folder Actions Setup… then click on the plus (+) sign GraphicConverter opens??? >> >> Looks like a GC bug. > ______________________________________________________________________ > > Hey Bob, > > It seems more likely that this is a system-level bug rather than a problem with GraphicConverter. > > After zipping GC-8 and reinstalling GC-7.x the issue fails to occur, so this may indeed be an issue with GC-8 — but I don't see a good way to trace it. > > Here's my methodology starting with GC-8 installed. > > I tried opening the Folder-Actions-Setup using the service on a folder in the Finder, and sure enough GraphicConverter fired up. Clicking 'Enable/Disable Folder Actions' restarted GC every time. > > The attach folder actions pop-up did NOT show up on the first run. > > So I zipped GC-8 and tried again. > > This time when I tried turning Folder Actions ON I got: > > <Screen Shot 2012-04-06 at 19.35.40.jpeg> > > Which did in fact have an action attached: 'Test_Folder_Actions.scpt' > > The 'gc' folder no longer existed on the system, but it would seem that I had not deleted it from Folder Actions. 'gc' obviously had something to do with GraphicConverter, but it's been too long for me to remember what. > > I deleted the 'gc' action - unzipped GC-8 - and on the next run I got the expected dialog. > > <Screen Shot 2012-04-06 at 22.41.24.jpeg> > > However after launching and quitting GC-8 and trying again to attach a folder-action in the Finder GC-8 launched, and the pop-up part of the dialog was a no-show again. > > I am mystified. > > -- > Best Regards, > Chris Robert Poland - Fort Collins, CO