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[Solved] Resolution and file format

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 5:36 pm
by linda
I want to save files in jpeg or png file format but with a higher resolution than 72 for the purpose of having prints made, which means they need a large file. If I save as a JPEG or PNG the resolution is 72. I'm using GC 11 on Mojave and processing as single images. Please tell me if that is possible. Thank you.

Re: Resolution and file format

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 9:11 pm
by forum_adm

the resolution is only a metadata value wich sets the scaling of the real pixel data for print etc.

What is the pixel size of your image?


Re: Resolution and file format

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:05 pm
by linda
I don't have a particular file in mind. I shoot RAW and so typically they are very large files. I usu save as a PSD without changing file size. This is a typical size. (see screenshot) When I process the image then I change dimensions and resolution to 72 if it's a jpeg to post via the web, but I leave the PSD file alone, as I might want to get a print, or use it again. Can GraphicConverter be used this way? I'm going to try to spend some time in the manual, but generally, I'd like to have more control over the resolution? Thank you for all of your help.

Re: Resolution and file format

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 3:19 am
by PakkyT
the resolution is only a metadata value wich sets the scaling of the real pixel data for print etc.
And only if the print service actually pays attention to that setting. Most do not and will print at whatever size you want typically with a warning that for a given print size, photos with a megapixel count below a certain level may not look the best.

To Linda, if a printing business only gives a xx dpi number and doesn't also include a physical print size along with it, then that number is meaningless and I would be hesitant to deal with such a shop. Typically they will give you a minimum resolution (1600x1200 (2MP)) or dpi + print size to state the same thing (at least 300 dpi for a 5.3"x4" print).

Re: Resolution and file format

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 9:27 am
by forum_adm
Hi Linda,

please use from the menu Picture/Size/Scale…

Uncheck the checkbox "Scale picture".
Now enter the desired width and height. You can select the unit in the popup.
The resolution will changed depending on your input.

Save the file under a new name.

Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 09.25.jpg
Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 09.25.jpg (129.02 KiB) Viewed 7165 times

Re: Resolution and file format

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:24 pm
by linda
Thank you both! I've had some time to play around and tested out some different ways of saving and I'm happy with the results I'm getting. Appreciate the picture tutorial and will check that out as well. Thanks PakkyT for the info re printing. Thanks, Admin so much. I'm really liking this program.