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[Closed] eppler-selig file format question

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 12:41 pm
by RowlandCarson
I am trying to open in CADintosh some airfoil files that I downloaded from the UIUC airfoil database website. CADintosh refuses to open any of them. They have the extension ".dat", the same as the example files that came with CADintosh (some time ago). CADintosh is happy to open those sample files but not any of the newer ones which to me appear identical.

I have managed to open one of the files in CADintosh by making an exact copy of one of the example files in the Finder, then copying and pasting in the text from the wanted file using BBEdit and re-saving. NOTE that if I open an example file in BBEdit and do a save as under a new name, CADintosh will refuse to open that new file.

It seems there is some magic, invisible ingredient in the example files that makes CADintosh play nice with them. How can I make new ".dat" files with that special feature? Or is there some other way to make CADintosh recognise the files I have downloaded?

Happy to send sample files if that is useful.

in friendship


Re: eppler-selig file format question

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 5:45 pm
by forum_adm
Please e-mail a set of sample files zipped to
