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Re: [Closed] Spinning balls with finder actions - best way to solve?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:41 pm
by PakkyT
Thanks. I will check those out when I get home. I am pretty sure the memory usage one I already had cranked up to the largest since my computer has 40GB RAM so I figured memory was no issue. But who knows Maybe it is way more disk intensive than I thought even with plenty of RAM.. I don't really the other setting off the top of my head.

To be clear this is all happening within GC using the browser or when moving around it settings. I call them "finder actions" because to me it looks like the types of finder calls that GC would make. Redrawing a screen, switching to another folder, changing tabs in the settings, or even click on the next photo. Nothing else outside GC every slows down even when GC is nearly locked up, I can go do other things while waiting or when I get discouraged and force quite GC.