[Fixed] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

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[Fixed] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

Post by porg »

This is a leftover fix from Smart Copy / Paste / Insert

▶️ Watch video (5:18, 1024 × 640, Dropbox)

7) Making a selection in row shape somewhere
8) ✅ Smart Insert Space → a) At the TOP selection boundary it b) inserts a void column in the height of the selection
9) Making a selecting in row shape (canvas' left edge til right edge)
10) ✅ Smart Cut → a) Cuts content b) Gap is seamlessly top and bottom.
11) Making a selection in row shape (canvas' left edge til right edge) at the intended target destination further down, selection height is irrelevant, top selection boundary is the reference line for insertion
12) ✅ Smart Paste → a) Pushed the content from the top reference line til the canvas bottom edge downwards by the height of the clipboard-content
but ❌ b) Inserts the content at the bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary. As such it leaves a visible transparent void above it, and the pasted content covers and thus hides the upper part of the pushed canvas content.
Last edited by porg on Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Bug] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

Post by forum_adm »

This issue should be fixed with build 5487. Please recheck after it is available.
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Re: [Bug] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

Post by porg »

Tested in GC 11.6.1 build 5487

- This build for me was massively plagued by [Blocker bug] Massive file/folder access issues as of GC 11.6.1 build 5487
but nevertheless I eventually managed to access my test file:
- ✅ Smart Column Cut and Paste continues to work correctly
- ❌ Smart Row Cut still doesn't work correctly, though the bug is a bit different: ▶️ observation video (05:49, 800 × 800, 7,3 MB, Dropbox)
- The object is indeed pasted at the upper selection boundary.
- But it leaves a void above the pasted content exactly with the height of the pasted content.
- The content which should be there is instead hidden below the pasted content.
- So something in your proceedings is wrong.
- Understanding this purely by reading text is hard. The video shows it 100% clear. Hope it helps to fix it.
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Re: [Bug] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

Post by forum_adm »

I fixed the issue with build 5633.
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Re: [Bug] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

Post by porg »

Foreword: The smart copy/paste/insert functions must be spatially consistent. Speaking "neutrally in 1 dimension": The reference line for pasting + inserting is always the "start" of the selection. Smart Insert: "Before" the selection it inserts void space of the same dimension as the selection. Smart Paste: "Before" the current selection it inserts the cut content. In western cultures in 2-dimensions "before" translates into the following: The upper selection boundary of row-selections (reading from top to bottom), and the left selection boundary of column-selections (reading from the left to the right).

1) Tested build 5633

✅ Smart Cut and Smart Paste now work correctly both for rows and columns.

But sadly for Smart Insert your introduced a new inconsistency which worked fine before:

  ✅ Having a selection column: Smart Insert inserts the dimensions of the selection at the left selection boundary. Or in other words: Left of the selection it inserts void space of the same dimension as the selection.

  ❌ Having a selection row: Smart Insert inserts the dimensions of the selection at the bottom selection boundary. This is wrong: It should insert at the top selection boundary. Or in other words: Above the selection it inserts void space of the same dimension as the selection.

👍 If you manage to fix Smart Insert now without affecting Smart Cut and Paste behavior as an unintended side effect, GC finally will have a very intuitive SMART CUT / PASTE /INSERT feature.

2) My proposal of keeping the viewport stable
- as is "content pixel keeps the same Euclidean distance to the canvas before/after manipulations/zooming/image-skipping

- You did not give me any response on this AFAIR. Would this be feasible?
- This would so much improve the comprehension of all growing and shrinking manipulations in the mental spatial model of the user!
- For "Resize Canvas" and "Add/remove Border (Margins)" the viewport stability feature must be designed in a way that the old content pixel is on the same position after the operation, so that you realize which surroundings got added/removed.
- And if users could set the preferred reference-point for zooming and image-skipping (top-left, top-center, top-right, mid-left, mid-center, mid-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right)) this would also greatly improve zooming by keyboard with ⌘ +/- and skipping through an image series (Prev/Next image in folder ⌘ ← and ⌘ →)
- And for zooming by gesture I already proposed Zooming should be towards cursor position whenever the cursor is over the image but got no reaction so far.
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Re: [Bug] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

Post by forum_adm »

Thanks for your quick testing.

The Smart Insert issue is fixed in build 5635.
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Re: [Bug] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

Post by porg »

Please do not get me wrong: I very much appreciate your openness to feature requests of your users, and your service qualities in that regard.
But please do a bit more of quality assurance on your side before you share it with us for testing.

There are 4 use cases: Cut-paste + Insert, each in both dimensions (columns, row).
Not too many. Not too complex. Can alltogether be tested in 30-60 seconds .
I did not count the attempts, but this feels to be like the 5th or 6th attempt where QA fails and I have to bounce back to you.
And in my last post I added a humorous disclaimer to please fix without opening a bug in the other use cases again. And then exactly that happened. Again.
Could you this time please test all 4 use cases to be working before you push it to me for final testing?

Smart cut and paste of a a row fails. (All other 3 use cases work), see ▶️ video.
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Re: [Bug] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

Post by porg »

Btw, compliments on your renaming:
Smart Insert Space at Top/Left Border of Selection
Smart Paste at Top/Left Border of Selection

Very explicit what it does, spares the need for extra documentation.
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Re: [Bug] Smart Pasting a Row falsely inserts content at bottom selection boundary instead of the top selection boundary

Post by porg »

Sadly it's still not fixed.
In build 5638 now smart insertion of a row fails while all other 3 use cases work.
So far you never got all 4 use cases to work.

Shown in this ▶️ video with commentary. (2m53s, 3,9mb, Dropbox)
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