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Re: [TODO] Options to display number of folders and files in Folder Side Panel get better visible in panel and preferenc

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 3:48 pm
by porg
Ad 3: 👍

Ad 2/4: Limiting table size to panel size when folder/files count is on:

a) At first it may seems intuitive "If I want to see the number columns, then the table has to be limited to the panel size, and the "name" column consumes the remaining width. With the file names being elipsiated, ideally in the middle so that start and end of the filename as the most significant and differantiating bits are always shown".

b) But this robs one of the freedom of horizontal scrolling, which is way more effective to see long folder/file names than any tooltip on hover for individual items can ever be.

c) And also users may move the "folders" and "files" columns leftmost, because their width is quite static (make space for 3 digits, and you are safe 95% of scenarios) and then the "name" column takes the place right of it.

Given all these considerations I propose the following:
I) Columns "folders" and "files" and the tree triangles for expanding/collapsing tree branches are sticky columns (like headers)
II) The file/folder names remain scrollable.
III) Column order can be changed by the user.
IV) When activating the feature for the first time it initialized with I) so that the suer surely sees all columns.

That way you can:
- position the number colums LEFT and have the right scrollable
- or have the tree trinagles left, the files/folder names center elipsiated, the number columns right.