[Wontdo] Convert & Modify: Drop Area as source should implement "Copy folder structure" preference

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[Wontdo] Convert & Modify: Drop Area as source should implement "Copy folder structure" preference

Post by porg »

Preferences > Convert > General > Section Convert & Modfiy: 🔲 Don't copy folder structure

✅ Use Case 1: The preference is properly respected if Convert & Modify's "From:" panel (the center vertical panel) is navigated to a particular folder and there you select a bunch of folders as the source and then press "Start selected Function (⌘⏎) ."

❌ Use Case 2: Doesn't work with drop area as the source
1) Open a GraphicConverter browser window.
2) Show the Drop Area (bottom panel).
3) Drop multiple files from different parent folders there.
4) Right-click anywhere in the drop area. In the context menu click "Open in Convert & Modify".
5) The Convert & Modify window opens. Press "Start selected Function (⌘⏎) ."

Result: The files are copied together flat regardless whether "Don't copy folder structure" is ON or OFF.


1) Not the main issue, but nevertheless, first let's fix some wording:
Preferences > Convert > General > Section Convert & Modfiy: Rename all options into a "positive verbal form":
• Activities not as nouns but really as verbs (a frequent usability problem in German, English tends to a verbal form for labels anyhow)
• In a positive form because that is far easier to comprehend in combination with the boolean checkbox. Some users struggle with double negations (Not Don't create…")
• So our label should be simply "Copy folder structure" and ON by default. Without the double negation pitfall it is much easier to comprehend and to talk/write about it, e.g. here on this forum.

2) Now the real issue:
If "Copy folder structure" is ON and the source is "Drop Area" then folders should be re-created up until their common root.

Drop area:

Destination: /Users/jondoe/Desktop/my-export/

👉 Result with "Copy folder structure" ON:

Explanation: "/Users/jondoe/" is their common root folder. Hence all folder below that got re-created.

👉 Result with "Copy folder structure" OFF:

Explanation: All files merged together flat at the destination.
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Re: Convert & Modify: Drop Area as source should implement "Copy folder structure" preference

Post by forum_adm »

The behavior of convert&modify with the drop area is intended and can not be changed due the internal implementation.
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Re: [Wontdo] Convert & Modify: Drop Area as source should implement "Copy folder structure" preference

Post by porg »


If the "Drop Area" does not support it, could the "Drag and Drop Converter", which you recently recommended to me, support the "Copy folder structure" preference? If so then please:

When setting the dropdown menu "Destination Folder" to option "Convert To Other Folder" then below the following checkbox gets visible:

[√] At destination recreate subfolder structures from the common root folder of the dragged files

alternative wording:

[√] At destination recreate relative filepaths up until common root folder of dragged files
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